Mat Snarr
Mat Snarr recognizes that, in most cases, clients hire an attorney to help them through difficult situations. He strives to help clients reach equitable solutions that minimize future conflicts. While in law school, Mat gained working experience in several legal clinics where he helped clients with divorce and support issues, VA disability appeals, and estate and long-term care planning. He also interned with legal aid offices in rural Virginia where he worked on foreclosure, debt collection, landlord/tenant, and family law cases. Mat’s practice areas include family law and child welfare.
Juris-Doctor: William & Mary Law School, 2019
- William & Mary Family Law Clinic
- William & Mary Elder Law & Disability Clinic
- Lewis B. Puller Jr., Veterans Benefits Clinic
- Blue Ridge Legal Services
- Legal Aid Works
- Public Service Certificate
Bachelor of Arts: University of Utah, 2015
- Graduate cum laude
- Major: International Studies
- Minor: Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Portuguese